Different Event Calenders:
General Guide: https://enjoyoxford.org/calendar/
Sports Events: https://www.visitbritain.com/en/things-to-do/sporting-season
Oxford Philharmonic: https://oxfordphil.com/events/
The Medley: Pizza (open seasonally) $
Viny’s: Sandwiches $
Taylors: Sandwiches $
I’m Japanese: Asian food truck on Woodstock $
George & Davis (G&D’s): Bagels & icecream $
Ramen Kulture: Asian $$
White Rabbit: Pizza $$
Itsu: Sushi $$
Nando's: Polynesian chicken $$
Brown’s: Steak/seafood $$$
Go on a ramble through the countryside
Attend an Oxford University social or sporting event
Have a picnic at Christ Church Meadow
Attend CS Lewis Society meetings
Go punting on the River Thames
Watch a premiere league match at a local pub
Take part in May Morning celebrations (May)
Ride the attractions at the St Giles Fair (September)
Tour colleges during Oxford Open Doors (September)
Watch fireworks on Guy Fawkes Day (November)