Flight Information
All groups will be departing from DFW on their scheduled departure time/day. Students are responsible for their transportation to and from DFW on their departure and return dates. All first-leg departing flights are highlighted. Make sure you arrive at your scheduled DFW terminal at least 3 hours in advance of your flight.
Note that ALL flight deviations (before or after travel) must be requested 45 days before the original flight departure date from the United States. Once the arrival leg of a flight has been used passengers are not allowed to change any aspect of their departure date. Please note the flight information below is limited only to ACU Google Drive account holders.
Changing your group flight reservation
ACU Study Abroad routinely works with Gold Class Travel as our travel logistics partner. One of the most common questions we encounter from students is, “How do I change my group flight reservation to travel before or after my program?” We refer to these flight changes as “deviations” and students will be responsible for managing all travel deviations directly with Gold Class Travel. To understand your responsibilities, please read the following information and fill out the Flight Deviation Request Form using the button below.
Extending your flight reservation
If you plan to deviate from the study abroad group's return flight and wish to extend your return date beyond the program dates, we highly recommend that you make the request as soon as possible. Seats are very limited, particularly with group airfares.
Please complete the following form via the button below no later than 45 days prior to departure from the United States to request a deviation in writing (no phone calls). After this, it may no longer be possible to make flight changes. Realize that extension dates are NOT guaranteed to be available, so the sooner you request, the better. Once you are in your host country, a return date change will not be possible.
If you are planning to deviate, Please submit 3 possible alternative return date options (in order of preference) so that our travel agent can check availability and find the best option for you. If your family or friends are planning to travel with you back to the US, we strongly advise them to wait to buy their flights until you have had your return flight confirmed. The deviation fee is $150 plus a fare difference that may or may not be applicable.
Please note that you cannot change your departure location. Regardless of the new return date, you must return to the US from your original point of departure (e.g. Berlin, London, Valencia).
Once you submit a request, Gold Class can submit a request to change your flight date with your airline’s group department. Please note that this can sometimes take a few working days to get a response. Once an offer is received from the airline (subject to seat availability) you will be contacted by email with a return date and the cost to finalize the change. You will have 24 hours to accept or decline the offer and provide a credit card number with an expiration date. Any additional changes of dates later on will cost an additional change fee. For further questions, Gold Class Travel can be reached via email at ken@goldclasstravel.com.