Leipzig - 2024/2025
Spring Semester (SP25)
FiR: Dr. Amanda Biles
EFT: Turkey
GLST 214: Germany and Europe
GER 111: Elementary German I
GER 112: Elementary German II
GER 221: Intermediate German I
GER 222: Intermediate German II
BIBL 211: Message of the OT
COMM 120: Intro to Pub. Speaking
ENGL 231: World Literature I
HIST 240/310: Public History
ECON 260: Macroeconomics
Summer I (May 15-June15, 2025)
FiR: Prof. Kristin Ward (Music)
FiR: Prof. Kelly Mann (Art & Design)
ART 347: Plein Air Painting
MUSM 340: Music in Leipzig
BIBT 342: Christianity in Culture
FiR: Dr. Rachel Team (Psych)
FiR: Dr. Larry Isenhower (Engineering)
Summer II (June 19-July 16, 2025)
PSYC 370: Social Psychology
ENGR 377: Stats for Engineers
Oxford - 2024/2025
Spring Semester (SP25)
FiR: Dr. Joseph McAnulty
EFT: Kenya
GLST 212: Intro to Great Britain
EDUC 221: Educ. Psychology
BIBT 332: C.S. Lewis
ENGL 222: Major British Writers II
BIBL 211: Message of the OT
COMM 120: Intro to Pub. Speaking*
ECON 261: Microeconomics
HCOL: Out of Africa and Isak Denisen
FiR: Dr. Jennifer Golden
Summer I (May 15-June15, 2025)
BUSA 419: International Business
BIBT 342: Christianity in Culture
Summer II (June 19-July 16, 2025)
FiR: Prof. Chris Riley
BIBT 342: Christianity in Culture
PLAW 340: Restorative Justice
GOVT 340: Comp. Judicial Process
International Programs - 2024/2025
Dukes Around The World (June 1-June 30)
FiR: Dr. Jody Jones
FiR: Prof. Jorge Daniel Garcia Santiago
BUSA 419: International Business
FIN 439: Student Managed Fund
Switzerland: Global Sport (May 29-June 13)
FiR: Dr. Melissa Long
FiR: Prof. Mark Barneche
GLST/KINE 340: Global Sport*
Costa Rica: Social Enterprise (July 22-Aug 5)
FiR: Dr. Jennifer Golden
FIR: Dr. Sarah Easter
MGMT 423: Social Enterprise Consulting
Celtic Spirituality in Ireland (May 15-May 29)
FiR: Dr. Richard Beck
FiR: Dr. Claire Davidson Frederick
PSYC/BIBT 340: The Good Life & Celtic Spirituality
Leipzig - 2025/2026
Fall Semester (F25)
FiR: Dr. Autumn Sutherlin
EFT: Greece
GLST 214: Germany and Europe
GER 111: Elementary German I
GER 112: Elementary German II
GER 221: Intermediate German I
BIOL 472/CHEM 453: Biochem
CHEM 113: Intro. to Chemistry
CHEM 413: P. Chem./Life Sciences
ENGL 231: World Literature I
COMM 120: Intro to Pub. Speaking
BIBL 211: Message of the OT
ECON 260: Macroeconomics
Spring Semester (SP26)
FiR: Dr. Myles Werntz
EFT: Turkey
GLST 214: Germany and Europe
GER 111: Elementary German I
GER 112: Elementary German II
GER 221: Intermediate German I
GER 222: Intermediate German II
BIBL 211: Message of the OT
BIBT 470: Christian Ethics
COMM 120: Intro to Pub. Speaking
ENGL 231: World Literature I
ECON 261: Microeconomics
HCOL: Design & Innovation Theory
Summer I (May 15-June15, 2026)
FiR: Dr. Diana Flanagan
PHP 308: Global Healthcare
BIBT 342: Christianity in Culture
Summer II (June 19-July 16, 2026)
FiR: Dr. Laura Phillips
FiR Dr. Mark Phillips
BUSA 419: International Business
MGMT 330: Manag & Org Behavior
BIBT 342: Christianity and Culture
Valencia - 2025/2026
Fall Semester (F25)
FiR: Drs Ken and Karen Cukrowski
EFT: Morocco
BIBL 211: Message of the OT
BIBT 342: Christianity in Culture
ENGL 231: World Literature I
Students in Valencia will have the opportunity to take a large spectrum of courses from the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV). Please see the catalog below.
Spring Semester (SP26)
FiR: Dr. Todd Womble
BIBL 211: Message of the OT
BIBT 342: Christianity in Culture
ENGL 231: World Literature I
Students in Valencia will have the opportunity to take a large spectrum of courses from the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV). Please see the catalog below.
Summer I (May 15-June15, 2026)
FiR: Dr. Ron Morgan
FiR: Dr. Janine Morgan
BIBT 342: Christianity in Culture
Summer II (June 19-July 16, 2026)
FiR: Dr. Candice Ortbals-Wiser
GOVT 300*: TBD
BIBT 342: Christianity in Culture
Oxford - 2025/2026
Fall Semester (F25)
FiR: Dr. Eric Bontempo
EFT: UK Lake District
GLST 212: Intro to Great Britain
ENGL 440: Works of Jane Austen
BIBT 332: C.S. Lewis
ENGL 222: Major British Writers II
BIBL 211: Message of the OT
HCOL: Global Innovation
COMM 120: Intro to Pub Speaking
ECON 260: Macroeconomics
ECON 261: Microeconomics
Spring Semester (SP26)
FiR: Dr. Neal Coates
EFT: Kenya
GLST 212: Intro to Great Britain
GOVT 227: Intro. to Int. Relations
GOVT 357: Politics of Western Eur.
BIBT 332: C.S. Lewis
ENGL 222: Major British Writers II
BIBL 211: Message of the OT
COMM 120: Intro to Pub. Speaking
ECON 260: Macroeconomics
ECON 261: Microeconomics
Summer I (May 15-June15, 2026)
FiR: Prof. Mike Wiggins
FiR: Prof. Dan McGregor
ART 347: Plein Air Painting
ART 440: Street Photography
BIBT 342: Christianity and Culture
ENGL 340: The Lit. of Harry Potter
Summer II (June 19-July 16, 2026)
FiR: Prof. Karley Adrion
JMC 342 Communication Design
BIBT 342: Christianity and Culture
International Programs - 2025/2026
Coming soon…
Coming soon…
Coming soon…
Costa Rica: Social Enterprise
MGMT 423: Social Enterprise Consulting
Leipzig - 2026/2027
Fall Semester (F26)
FiR: Dr. Stephanie Talley
GLST 214: Germany and Europe
GER 111: Elementary German I
GER 112: Elementary German II
GER 221: Intermediate German I
EDUC 211: Intro. to Education
EDUC 221: Educ. Psychology
ENGL 231: World Literature I
COMM 120: Intro to Pub. Speaking
BIBL 211: Message of the OT
ECON 260: Macroeconomics
Spring Semester (SP27)
FiR: Dr. Joshua Rhodes
GLST 214: Germany and Europe
GER 111: Elementary German I
GER 112: Elementary German II
GER 221: Intermediate German I
GER 222: Intermediate German II
PSYC 120: Intro. to Psychology
PSYC 278: Stress & Management
COMM 120: Intro to Pub. Speaking
ENGL 231: World Literature I
ECON 261: Microeconomics
Summer I (May 15-June15, 2027)
FiR: Prof. Kristin Ward
FiR Prof. Ryan Feerer
ART 440: Street Photography
MUSM 340: Music in Leipzig
BIBT 342: Christianity in Culture
Summer II (June 19-July 16, 2027)
FiR: Dr. Larry Isenhower
BIBP 379: Phil., Religion & Sci.
ENGR 377: Stats for Engineers
Oxford - 2026/2027
Fall Semester (F26)
FiR: Drs. Kelly & Jeremy Elliott
GLST 212: Intro to Great Britain
ENGL 385: Environmental Lit
HIST 240/310: Topics in Pub. History
BIBT 332: C.S. Lewis
ENGL 222: Major British Writers II
BIBL 211: Message of the OT
HCOL: Introduction to Meditation
COMM 120: Intro to Pub. Speaking
ECON 260: Macroeconomics
ECON 261: Microeconomics
Spring Semester (SP27)
FiR: Dr. Randall Fowler
GLST 212: Intro to Great Britain
COMM 120: Intro to Pub. Speaking
COMM 334: Intercultural Comm
BIBT 332: C.S. Lewis
ENGL 222: Major British Writers II
BIBL 211: Message of the OT
ECON 260: Macroeconomics
ECON 261: Microeconomics
Summer I (May 15-June15, 2027)
Summer II (June 19-July 16, 2027)
FiR: Dr. Bill Carroll
ENGL 440: Monsters in British Lit
BIBT 342: Christianity and Culture
Valencia - 2026/2027
Fall Semester (F26)
FiR: Dr. Katherine Wick
Students in Valencia will have the opportunity to take a large spectrum of courses from ACU faculty-in-residence, local ACU adjunct faculty, and courses from local university partners. To examine standard course offerings, please see the link below.
Spring Semester (SP27)
FiR: Joseph Makarewicz
Students in Valencia will have the opportunity to take a large spectrum of courses from ACU faculty-in-residence, local ACU adjunct faculty, and courses from local university partners. To examine standard course offerings, please see the link below.
Summer I (May 15-June15, 2027)
Summer II (June 19-July 16, 2027)
International Programs - 2026/2027
Coming soon…
Coming soon…
Coming soon…
Coming soon…
Leipzig - 2027/2028
Fall Semester (F27)
FiR: Dr. Nancy Kucinski
GLST 214: Germany and Europe
GER 111: Elementary German I
GER 112: Elementary German II
GER 221: Intermediate German I
ENGL 231: World Literature I
COMM 120: Intro to Pub. Speaking
BIBL 211: Message of the OT
ECON 260: Macroeconomics
Spring Semester (SP28)
FiR: Dr. Neal Coates
GLST 214: Germany and Europe
GER 111: Elementary German I
GER 112: Elementary German II
GER 221: Intermediate German I GOVT 227: Intro. to Int. Relations
GOVT 357: Politics of Western Eur.
ENGL 231: World Literature I
COMM 120: Intro to Pub. Speaking
BIBL 211: Message of the OT
ECON 260: Macroeconomics
Summer I (May 15-June15, 2028)
FiR: Dr. Diana Flanagan
PHP 308: Global Healthcare
BIBT 342: Christianity in Culture
Summer II (June 19-July 16, 2028)
FiR: Dr. Laura Phillips
BUSA 419: International Business
Oxford - 2027/2028
Fall Semester (F27)
FiR: Dr. Tim Sensing
GLST 212: Intro to Great Britain
BIBT 332: C.S. Lewis
ENGL 222: Major British Writers II
BIBL 211: Message of the OT
COMM 120: Intro to Pub. Speaking
ECON 260: Macroeconomics
ECON 261: Microeconomics
Spring Semester (SP28)
GLST 212: Intro to Great Britain
BIBT 332: C.S. Lewis
ENGL 222: Major British Writers II
BIBL 211: Message of the OT
COMM 120: Intro to Pub. Speaking
ECON 260: Macroeconomics
ECON 261: Microeconomics
Summer I (May 15-June15, 2028)
Summer II (June 19-July 16, 2028)
FiR: Dr. Kenneth Pybus
Valencia - 2027/2028
Fall Semester (F27)
FiR: Dr. Kyle Dickson
Students in Valencia will have the opportunity to take a large spectrum of courses from ACU faculty-in-residence, local ACU adjunct faculty, and courses from local university partners. To examine standard course offerings, please see the link below.
Spring Semester (SP28)
FiR: Prof. Daniel Garcia
Students in Valencia will have the opportunity to take a large spectrum of courses from ACU faculty-in-residence, local ACU adjunct faculty, and courses from local university partners. To examine standard course offerings, please see the link below.
Summer I (May 15-June15, 2028)
Summer II (June 19-July 16, 2028)
International Programs - 2027/2028
Coming soon…
Coming soon…
Coming soon…
Coming soon…
Leipzig - 2028/2029
Fall Semester (F28)
FiR: Chris and Rachel Riley
GLST 214: Germany and Europe
GER 111: Elementary German I
GER 112: Elementary German II
GER 221: Intermediate German I
ENGL 231: World Literature I
COMM 120: Intro to Pub. Speaking
BIBL 211: Message of the OT
ECON 260: Macroeconomics
Spring Semester (SP29)
GLST 214: Germany and Europe
GER 111: Elementary German I
GER 112: Elementary German II
GER 221: Intermediate German I
ENGL 231: World Literature I
COMM 120: Intro to Pub. Speaking
BIBL 211: Message of the OT
ECON 260: Macroeconomics
Summer I (May 15-June15, 2029)
Summer II (June 19-July 16, 2029)
Oxford - 2028/2029
Fall Semester (F28)
FiR: Drs Jason and Heidi Morris
GLST 212: Intro to Great Britain
BIBT 332: C.S. Lewis
ENGL 222: Major British Writers II
BIBL 211: Message of the OT
COMM 120: Intro to Pub. Speaking
ECON 260: Macroeconomics
ECON 261: Microeconomics
Spring Semester (SP29)
GLST 212: Intro to Great Britain
BIBT 332: C.S. Lewis
ENGL 222: Major British Writers II
BIBL 211: Message of the OT
COMM 120: Intro to Pub. Speaking
ECON 260: Macroeconomics
ECON 261: Microeconomics
Summer I (May 15-June15, 2029)
Summer II (June 19-July 16, 2029)
Valencia - 2028/2029
Fall Semester (F28)
FiR: Dr. Laura Carroll
Students in Valencia will have the opportunity to take a large spectrum of courses from ACU faculty-in-residence, local ACU adjunct faculty, and courses from local university partners. To examine standard course offerings, please see the link below.
Spring Semester (SP29)
FiR: Prof. Daniel Garcia
Students in Valencia will have the opportunity to take a large spectrum of courses from ACU faculty-in-residence, local ACU adjunct faculty, and courses from local university partners. To examine standard course offerings, please see the link below.
Summer I (May 15-June15, 2029)
Summer II (June 19-July 16, 2029)