Studying Abroad can be an incredibly enriching experience. However, a common struggle among many students lies in the challenge of navigating a new country with a new language that’s unfamiliar to them. We’ve provided some resources down below aimed at enhancing student language skills to make their transition to their new home country a more rewarding adventure.
Spanish (Valencia)
Language learning partnership programs (tandem programs) or other free language groups:
Students in the immersion program can attend Literature classes at Universidad Católica and the La Ruta community
Online language learning resources:
Tricky Grammar Practice:
Catalan (Valencia)
In the Valencia region, it can also be called Valencian. Although the language itself is the same, there are variations of pronunciation and vocabulary.
Online language learning resources:
Tricky Grammar Practice:
Key challenges in learning Catalan:
Pronunciation challenges:
Special characters: There are unique characters like the "ç" and "ï", which can be difficult to pronounce correctly for non-native speakers.
Vowel sounds: Subtle differences in vowel pronunciation depending on the region can be tricky to master.
Vocabulary variations:
Some regional words specific to the Valencian Community can be challenging to learn.
Basic Valencian sentences:
Bon dia. – Good morning.
Adéu. – Good-bye./Bye.
Com va tot? – How’s everything going?
Bé, i vosté? – Fine, and you? (formal)
Moltes gràcies. – Thank you very much.
De res. – You’re welcome.
Bona sort! – Good luck!
Un brindis! – I propose a toast!
Què és això? – What is this/that?
Com es diu en anglés? – How do you say it in English?
Què vol dir això? – What does that mean?
Parle més lentament, per favor. – Please, speak more slowly.
Felicitacions!/Enhorabona! – Congratulations!
Fins demà. – See you tomorrow.
Socio-linguistic complexities:
"Valencian vs. Catalan" debate: Depending on the location and speaker, there might be sensitivity around whether to refer to the language as "Valencian" or "Catalan," which could lead to confusion for learners.
Code-switching: In areas where Spanish is widely spoken, learners might encounter situations where people switch between Valencian and Spanish, requiring them to be flexible with language use
German (Germany)
Online language learning resources:
Tricky Grammar Practice:
Pronunciation (especially ä, ö, ü, and ß)
Language Tips: