Each ACU Study Abroad program features multiple weekly opportunities for worship, discussion, biblical study, and engagement with local faith communities. Students are strongly encouraged to participate in local Christian communities. For more information on this fundamental aspect of Study Abroad at ACU, see the “Local Church Communities” section below.

Local Church Communities

One of the hallmarks of the ACU Study Abroad experience is gaining a deeper understanding of the Christian faith as a global movement. ACU students are encouraged to explore the ways history and culture shape the contours of local Christian communities and to join those communities as active members of Christ’s body. The following churches have routinely served as spiritual homes for ACU students abroad. For more information about these communities, you can check out the websites below or consult our local program staff. They can tell you a bit about the character of each church and connect you with local members and/or ministries.


Leipzig English Church
Website: https://leipzig.english.church/en/
When: Sundays at 10 a.m., 3:30 p.m., 6:30 p.m.
Where: Andreaskirche, Gemeindehaus, Scharnhorststraße 29, 04275 Leipzig, Germany

Gemeinde Christi Leipzig
Website: https://gemeinde-christi-leipzig.de
When: Sundays at 09:30 Wednesdays at 18:30
Where: Natonekstraße 21, 04155 Leipzig, Germany

Zeal Leipzig
Website: https://www.zealchurch.de/leipzig
When: Sundays at 10:30

Where: Torgauer Strasse 74, 04318 Leipzig, Germany


Christ Church Montevideo
Website: www.christchurchmvd.org
When: Sundays at 11 a.m.
Where: Lieja 6437, esq. Arocena
Carrasco, Montevideo 11500

Iglesia de Cristo en Montevideo
Website: Facebook Page
When: Sundays at 09:00
Where: Colonia 2092, 11200 Montevideo, Departamento de Montevideo, Uruguay

La Ruta Student Ministry
Website: www.larutamvd.com
When: Monday-Tuesday: 11:00-18:00
Wednesday-Thursday: 11:00 - 21:00
Where: Guayabos 1710, casi esquina Magallanes
Cordón, Montevideo, Uruguay


St. Aldate’s Church
Website: https://staldates.org.uk/
When: Sundays at 10:00, 12:00, 18:00
Where: St Aldate's, Oxford OX1 1BT, United Kingdom

St. Andrews Church Oxford
Website: www.standrewsoxford.org
When: Sundays at 08:00, 09:30, 11:15, 18:00
Where: Linton Rd, Oxford OX2 6UG, United Kingdom

Oxford Church of Christ
Website: www.oxfordchurchofchrist.co.uk
When: Sundays at 11:00, Thursdays at 19:00
Where: 1a St Mary's Rd, Oxford, UK